Mistakes that can cost you when buying Instagram likes


To buy Instagram likes is easy, but there are ways to avoid making mistakes. 

It's important not to make the same mistake twice, but sometimes it can be hard to know what you're buying. 

Here are some of the most common mistakes people make when buying Instagram likes:

Don't use bots to buy likes.

Bots are a bad idea for several reasons. First, they're easily detected by Instagram's algorithm and other bots. 

Second, you can't trust that your bot will deliver the likes you expect (and if it does, then what?). 

Thirdly, bots can get your account suspended if Instagram catches them in action, and if your account gets suspended for buying followers with fake accounts or spammy posts/likes on its platform, well, there goes all of those hard-earned new followers.

Fourthly: humans will catch on to what's going on too quickly and report it as spam or suspicious activity when they see someone trying too hard too fast to get a lot more attention than they deserve based upon their actual merits alone (or lack thereof).

Don't buy from bots or bot accounts.

Bots are not real people; they're just software programs programmed to post on Instagram and other social media networks at certain times. 

They don't engage with the platform in any meaningful way, nor do they follow users back or interact with them. 

Suppose you buy likes from a bot account. In that case, your account will probably get suspended, and you'll lose out on followers, who will likely unsubscribe right away if they see that someone else bought their followers in bulk instead of engaging with them (or even better yet, getting to know each other).

Don't buy fake accounts or followers.

It's important to remember that the people you're buying Instagram likes from aren't real. Not unless you buy instagram followers and likes from a reputable vendor.

They may be bots, which means they can be deleted at any time and won't have any connection to your business. 

The same goes for their followers: if someone who doesn't exist follows your account, then you won't get any benefit from those followers' interactions with your content.

It would be best if you also remembered that fake followers are not engaging with the posts on your page. They'll scroll past them without clicking anything themselves.

This means it's unlikely that these accounts will become real customers of yours down the line (unless they've seen something cool).

Don't buy from fake users or bot accounts.

Buying Instagram likes is a great way to build your social media presence, but it can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. 

The key is to avoid buying from fake users or bot accounts. Fake users and bot accounts are often associated with scams, so avoid them at all costs.

If someone says they have millions of followers on Instagram but doesn't show proof (or even responds with, "I don't need proof because I am legit), then that person likely isn't legit either. 

Please do not buy from anyone who doesn't interact with their account. This includes people who claim they have no idea how many followers they have but offer up some vague number anyway; those people may be trying to scam you out of money.

Avoid buying likes from "dead" accounts.

Dead accounts are not engaging and they can be misleading. Dead accounts may seem like a good option because they have a lot of followers, but in reality, the number of followers is irrelevant when it comes to your business. 

What matters most is what happens with those likes after you buy them, and that's where dead likes become more trouble than they're worth.

People rarely interact with inactive profiles (accounts that don't post anything for 90 days or longer), so buying them won't get any results. If anything does happen, it'll probably just be spammy messages asking for money or promotional offers instead of genuine engagement from real people who might care about your brand's content.


I hope this article has helped you understand what to look for when buying Instagram likes. 

As you can see, it's not as simple as just clicking "go" and letting the process run its course. It would help if you were careful because many scams will try to steal your money or make you look bad online by posting negative comments about your product or service. 

If you decide to go forward with a purchase, make sure that everything on their page looks legitimate before giving them any money.