The streets and alleys of the ward were notoriously filthy, and the contractors habitually neglected them, not failing, however, to draw their regular payments from the city treasury. – Ray Stannard Baker
I love the 19th-century idea of the flaneur, the poet wandering through the streets. – Tom Hodgkinson
I don’t mind what Congress does, as long as they don’t do it in the streets and frighten the horses. – Victor Hugo
The graceful Georgian streets and squares, a series of steel engravings under a wet sky. – Shana Alexander
There are many, many pricey streets in the Hamptons. There’s South Hampton, Bridge Hampton and East Hampton, the three major towns. East Hampton has the largest selection of celebrities. – Steven Gaines
When I’m not in training. I’ll walk around the streets at 153, but it’s not solid; it’s my socializing weight. – Sugar Ray Leonard
Every European goes on the streets and sees medieval churches. Not if you live in Indianapolis. – Umberto Eco
If I’m going to make music for the streets or the clubs or whatever, I go at it with 110 percent. – Soulja Boy