Look at the real heroes who come to light in these days: they are not famous, rich and successful people; rather they are those who are giving themselves in order to serve others. – Pope Francis Pontiff’s 2020 Palm Sunday homily was a call to serve others, despite the coronavirus pandemic.
One thing’s sure and nothing’s surer The rich get richer and the poor get – children. – F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby. Chapter 5, Daisy and Nick are dancing and singing these lyrics. This plays off the saying ‘money can’t buy love’. Rich people only ever get richer, they don’t get happier. But poor people get by because they are happy, knowing they have a family to come home to.
We have so many rich people in Switzerland. They should take more responsibility for the general public. There is almost no tradition of philanthropy here anymore, unlike in the U.S. – Hansjorg Wyss
There are rich people everywhere, and yet they don’t contribute to the growth of their countries. – Hillary Clinton
Crop insurance should be a policy that keeps people from going broke, to make sure they can farm next year, but not to make them rich. – Howard Graham Buffett
A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone. – Henry David Thoreau
If you are a Rothschild, a Rosenwald, a Gimbel, or even a Waldbaum, growing up Jewish can be a rich experience. For the rest of us, it could be just so-so. – Gene Saks
Our literary culture is marinated in deep traditions of the fantastic and the supernatural, and we export those rich qualities in films and books on a spectacular industrial scale. – Graham Joyce
It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has. – Henry Ward Beecher
These people being of a sharp and acute intellect, and gifted with a rich and powerful understanding, excel in whatever studies they pursue, and are more quick and cunning than the other inhabitants of a western clime. – Giraldus Cambrensis
I didn’t realize that pretending to be this ‘Hills Heidi,’ this spoiled rich girl who I wasn’t, would almost destroy me. – Heidi Montag
Anyone who has been to India – specifically Rajasthan, the rich and kingly region in the country’s northwest – knows that when it comes to adornment, Indians do not think like other people. – Hanya Yanagihara
In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich. – Henry Ward Beecher
It’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to make a blues record. – Hugh Laurie
Hope is the anchor of our souls. I know of no one who is not in need of hope – young or old, strong or weak, rich or poor. – James E. Faust
We can safely abandon the doctrine of the eighties, namely that the rich were not working because they had too little money, the poor because they had much. – John Kenneth Galbraith
The poor are the only consistent altruists; they sell all they have and give it to the rich. – Holbrook Jackson
I don’t think that’s changed at all. I think there are a thousand stocks out there that could make you rich, totally independent of what you do for a living. – Jim Cramer
Grooming oneself with all the crazed compulsion of an under-exercised lab rat in order to hook a rich man and obtain a lush lifestyle makes a certain (albeit seedy) sense. – Julie Burchill
We should govern our actions by assuming that people are more good than bad. Whereas, most of our social policies dictate that people are more bad than good. That you know if you do something, it’ll be seized by the rich to exploit the poor. – James D. Watson
Until Donald Trump got to where he was, they said you’ll never see a rich businessman who’s never been in politics be president. I clearly was wrong about that. – Jamie Dimon