So hypothetically according to you I can admire a mans penis in the shower but the moment I put it in my mouth some sort of line has been crossed? – Sacha Baron Cohen Bruno, Da Ali G Show. To Pastor Quinn, the ‘Gay Converter’ HQ.
Most high-level models that I’ve ever met are actually well-travelled; they’re cultured, and no guy laying a cheesy line on them is actually going to impact their world. – Hannah Simone
I never once considered that it was appropriate to put taxpayer money on the line in resolving Lehman Brothers. – Henry Paulson
The bottom line is that Wanda Sykes has the longest continuously documented family tree of any African-American we have ever researched. – Henry Louis Gates
At home I have a Tibetan terrier. I’m still not sure if he’s a genius or very thick. It’s a fine line. – Hugh Bonneville
If I was on a third or fourth line I would probably be in the NHL, because you don’t have to produce every night. – Jaromir Jagr
True entrepreneurs have to really forego almost everything; they have to put it all on the line. – Jon Huntsman, Sr.
For nearly a century, Republican-controlled Houses held the line on tax rates, a Republican coup de pointe to Democratic tax-increase parries. – John Fleming
At somewhere around 10 syllables, the English poetic line is at its most relaxed and manageable. – James Fenton
Just the other day, my assistant was on the line with Calvin Klein. Golly, I usually shop at Sears. – Billy Bob Thornton
The bottom line is, there have been a lot of nuts elected to the United States Senate. – Chuck Grassley
When I first started, I wore Ceil Chapman gowns. I’ve been wondering for years what happened to the Ceil Chapman line of clothing. – Aretha Franklin
I was running an assembly line designed to build memory chips. I saw the microprocessor as a bloody nuisance. – Andy Grove
I’m pretty relaxed with my skincare. I really like two brands: Tata Harper and Ren, which is a natural skincare line. I use lotions, and I use Dove soap. – Amanda Hearst
The expected vertical line of Ikiru’s narrative breaks when Kurosawa does a flash-forward in the middle of the film. – Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu