The original Grand Tour would generally begin in Belgium or the Netherlands before moving through Paris, Geneva, Spain, Italy, and perhaps Greece. – Hanya Yanagihara
When we’ve finished the current tour I’m going to go back to Italy and see if I can do some more writing. – Gerry Mulligan
I think he bought his doublet in Italy, his round hose in France, his bonnet in Germany, and his behaviour everywhere. – William Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice, Act 1, Scene 2. Portia is not impressed by her suitor Falconbridge, the young English baron, who dresses poorly and in mismatched clothes from three countries.
Well, in 1947… in Europe and in Italy especially, we thought of America as all-powerful. – Giovanni Agnelli
No part of Italian society should see itself as exempt from the effort to save Italy from collapse. – Giorgio Napolitano
Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy, were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts. – Gordon Sinclair
I got hooked on espresso when I visited Italy at 18, but these days I prefer a ‘flat white.’ It’s like a small latte with less milk – they’re popular in Australia. – Hugh Jackman
Well, Italy had been overrun by the War, there had practically been civil war, north and south of the Gothic Line, heavy bombing, the northern industrial cities had been bombed heavily and we had political disorder before 1948. – Gianni Agnelli
After about the first Millennium, Italy was the cradle of Romanesque architecture, which spread throughout Europe, much of it extending the structural daring with minimal visual elaboration. – Harry Seidler
I’ve never been much of a European traveler. London once on a book tour, and Italy because that’s where Ferraris are from. That’s about it. – John Ridley
In Italy the artist is a god. Now if the artist is a god, the scientist is likewise a god. – Josef Albers
I do not have any political commitments anymore. I’m politically a total agnostic; I’m one of the few writers in Italy who refuses to be identified with a specific political party. – Italo Calvino
Ireland, Italy and Brazil are the most musical places for me. They’re extremely musical cultures and anything you pitch they basically catch. – James Taylor
Years ago when DNA was going on, I produced a record in Italy but I didn’t think I’d do another one. – Arto Lindsay
Colonialism is an idea born in the West that drives Western countries – like France, Italy, Belgium, Great Britain – to occupy countries outside of Europe. – Ahmed Ben Bella
In Italy, the Milanese are well organized but follow bourgeois taste. They adhere to certain codes of elegance, but not to individualism. – Christian Lacroix
Everything in Italy that is particularly elegant and grand borders upon insanity and absurdity or at least is reminiscent of childhood. – Alexander Herzen
It’s typical of Italian culture that we only start to feel emotional about something when we have the possibility to see it in front of us. By February, Italy will have Olympic fever. – Alberto Tomba
The ‘classic’ pig is inspired by northern Italy. It is made up of meat and fat, rosemary and garlic, salt and lots of black pepper. – Bill Buford
‘Swept Away’ is one of my favorite films of my father. I’ve seen it about 20 times. It’s a cult movie in Italy. – Adriano Giannini
In Italy, on the breaking up of the Roman Empire, society might be said to be resolved into its original elements, – into hostile atoms, whose only movement was that of mutual repulsion. – Edward Everett
In Italy the censor is very old and there are many judges and psychiatrists who analyse you. – Dario Argento
If we were the problem, it would be very convenient – kick Greece out, everything’s fine. What would happen to Spain, what about Portugal, what about Italy, what about the whole of the euro zone? We need more cooperation and less simplification and prejudice. – George Papandreou