I have to date been reticent to speak out on issues surrounding President Trump’s leadership, but we are at an inflection point, and the events of the past few weeks have made it impossible to remain silent. – Mike Mullen
When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. – Mr. Spock Star Trek (2009 Film).
Things are only impossible until they’re not! – Capt. Jean-Luc Picard Star Trek: The Next Generation, ‘The Ensigns of Command’.
If you had a million years to do it in, you couldn’t rub out even half the ‘F*** you’ signs in the world. It’s impossible. – J. D. Salinger The Catcher in the Rye. Holden Caulfield in Chapter 25. It’s just not possible to wipe out the phoniness and filth in the world, so you either have to learn to live with the fact that the world is not innocent – or not.
But the branches of industry are so multifarious, the divisions of labour so minutes and manifold, that it seems at first almost impossible to reduce them to any system. – Henry Mayhew
I do wish I could tell you my age but it’s impossible. It keeps changing all the time. – Greer Garson
In the main the Academy helped to frame only laws of an economic or social nature, since owing to the development of the totalitarian regime it became more and more impossible to cooperate in other spheres. – Hans Frank
Despite Japan’s desires and efforts, unfortunate differences in the ways that Japan, England, the United States, and China understood circumstances, together with misunderstandings of attitudes, made it impossible for the parties to agree. – Hideki Tojo
There was endless controversy as to whether the acts of the New Deal did actually move recovery or retard it, and nothing final could ever come of that bitter debate because it is forever impossible to prove what might have happened in place of what did. – Garet Garrett
To sleep after sunrise was impossible on account of the number of flies which kept buzzing about the face. – George Grey
Not only was it nearly impossible to hear because of these huge rubber ears we had to wear, but we also had these huge furry hands which were absolutely useless, especially if you had to scratch yourself. – Helena Bonham Carter
I went down to Venezuela and ended up renting a helicopter and flew with my sons to the tops of the tepuis, these freestanding jungle mesas, ‘lost worlds’ as it were. In fact, it’s almost impossible to access them without one. So we were able to land and spend some time there. We were trapped for about six hours by clouds that came in. – Harrison Ford
In the long run, it’s impossible to make progress without sometimes having setbacks, although people who get lucky on their first attempt sometimes forget this. – Henry Spencer
To do easily what is difficult for others is the mark of talent. To do what is impossible for talent is the mark of genius. – Henri Frederic Amiel
It’s hard to look inside a person to answer a question about why anybody wants to be president. I suppose a combination of ambition, ego, and a real feeling that he could make a difference and could accomplish some things. All you ever had to do for Jimmy Carter was to tell him something was impossible, and he would usually do it. – Hamilton Jordan
Teachers are expected to reach unattainable goals with inadequate tools. The miracle is that at times they accomplish this impossible task. – Haim Ginott
Everybody who’s played Marilyn Monroe before has gone down in flames. It’s impossible to capture Marilyn Monroe. – Harvey Weinstein
History is one of those marvelous and necessary illusions we have to deal with. It’s one of the ways of dealing with our world with impossible generalities which we couldn’t live without. – Howard Nemerov
At several such places we landed, but always found the ascent to the interior so covered with large loose rocks that it would have been impossible to have disembarked stores or stock on any. – George Grey
You’re always going to write and draw inspiration from things that you’re feeling, things that you’ve felt. It’s kind of impossible not to unless you’re writing a song and there’s an exact scenario that you’re trying to write a song for. – Harry Styles
It is impossible, in principle, to explain any pattern by invoking a single quantity. – Gregory Bateson