I’m not an everyday fragrance person usually. I wouldn’t put fragrance on before dropping off my kids or going to the gym. – Christy Turlington
Just Cavalli for Her is a flowery and sexy fragrance. I like its freshness and feminine scent. – Georgia May Jagger
On my desk, I always have a lemon or a lime drying. I love the fragrance. Also, a Staedtler eraser, a brush for the eraser and a pencil sharpener. – Maira Kalman
Jasmine, the name of which signifies fragrance, is the emblem of delicacy and elegance. It is reared with difficulty in New England, but at the South, puts forth all its graces. – Dorothea Dix
I do believe that using fragrance is a plus. It’s one of our senses and it’s be a waste not to use our sense of smell. I also think smell is something that tells a lot about a person. – Nacho Figueras
I always have mini bottles of Unbreakable, the fragrance I did with my husband. I’m Armenian, so I’m oily and always have blotting papers. – Khloe Kardashian
Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; your name is like perfume poured out. No wonder the young women love you! – The Bible Song of Solomon 1:3
Believe it or not, I’m a big fan of patchouli oil. I know it’s not a universally liked fragrance. I usually combine it with other essential oils – I have many mixtures I like. – Olivia Wilde