Grace is the permanent climate of divine kindness; the perennial infusion of springtime into the winter of bleakness. – John O’Donohue Beauty: The Invisible Embrace (Divine Beauty in Europe).
The wonder of the Beautiful is its ability to surprise us. With swift, sheer grace, it is like a divine breath that blows the heart open. – John O’Donohue Beauty: The Invisible Embrace (Divine Beauty in Europe).
Never let your zeal outrun your charity. The former is but human, the latter is divine. – Hosea Ballou
The members of such a society consider that the transgression of a religious ordinance should be punished by civil penalties, and that the violation of a civil duty exposes the delinquent to divine correction. – Henry James Sumner Maine
If Christianity is a mere invention of man, and not a supernatural, divine revelation, how is it that it has wrought such a complete alteration in the state of man kind? – J. C. Ryle
Theology in general seems to me a substitution of human ingenuity for divine wisdom. – Julia Ward Howe
The ultimate binding element in the medieval order was subordination to the divine will and its earthly representatives, notably the pope. – Irving Babbitt
Let us consider that swearing is a sin of all others peculiarly clamorous, and provocative of Divine judgment. – Isaac Barrow
Christianity is not about the divine becoming human so much as it is about the human becoming divine. That is a paradigm shift of the first order. – John Shelby Spong
Religion and philosophy are to be preserved distinct. We are not to introduce divine revelations into philosophy, nor philosophical opinions into religion. – Isaac Newton
A shepherd, in whom the spirit of God works, is more highly esteemed before God than the wisest and most potent in self-wit, without the divine dominion. – Jakob Bohme
Even if it were proven that God didn’t exist, Religion would still be Saintly and Divine. – Charles Baudelaire
There’s no way that scientists can ever rule out religion, or even have anything significant to say about the abstract idea of a divine creator. – Brian Greene
What is divine? Simply that which man has not yet been able to understand. Once understood, it ceases to be divine. – Ashwin Sanghi
Actually, I take it as a compliment. Diva is a derivative of divine. That’s quite a title to carry around. – Calista Flockhart
AIDS is an absolutely tragic disease. The argument about AIDS’ being some kind of divine retribution is crap. – Calvin Klein
Obviously God knew I wasn’t going to make it to the NBA as much as I probably believed. This was divine order. – Common