Even before ObamaCare, the government took care of the bottom 5 or 10 percent of the public who were on Medicaid. – Rand Paul
When there’s just so many games out there to play, Nintendo games just went to the bottom of that list. – PewDiePie
My assumption was that all indigenous architecture would be more fractal. My reasoning was that all indigenous architecture tends to be organized from the bottom up. As it turns out, though, my reasoning was wrong. – Ron Eglash
Action is always seen as the bottom rung of thespian endeavour, that’s just the way it is. – Sylvester Stallone
I thought I’d reached the bottom a few times, but then I’d realise there was another 30 floors of despair below that. – Trent Reznor
Dee Dee very much filled in the bottom of our sound as opposed to supplying the rhythm. – Tommy Ramone
If the cap ain’t on my Crest, if it’s squeezed from the middle and not the bottom, there’s a problem. – Tiny Tim
Louis Armstrong, who learned to be in exquisite dress, came from the bottom, and he’s not a trash can. – Stanley Crouch