"Hear me, men of Ithaca! Hear what I have to say,
though my revelations strike the suitors first of all –
a great disaster is rolling like a breaker toward their heads.
Clearly Odysseus won’t be far from loved ones any longer –
now, right now, he’s somewhere near, I tell you,
breeding bloody death for all these suitors here."

– Homer

The Odyssey, Book 2, lines 180-185. The prophet Halitherses, who can read bird signs, sounds this warning when Zeus sends down a sign with two fighting eagles tearing each other’s throats and cheeks. He predicts that Odysseus who is close by will bring bloody death to the suitors. In a simile he compares the great disaster approaching them to a heavy sea wave rolling towards their heads. The suitors’ violent end is foreshadowed here.