"Incredible," Zeus who marshals the thunderheads replied.
"Earth-shaker, you with your massive power, why moaning so?
The gods don’t disrespect you. What a stir there’d be
if they flung abuse at the oldest, noblest of them all.
Those mortals? If any man, so lost in his strength
and prowess, pays you no respect – just pay him back.
The power is always yours.
Do what you like. Whatever warms your heart."

– Homer

The Odyssey, Book 13, lines 158-165. Zeus tells Poseidon that he can do whatever he wishes to punish the Phaeacians for disrespecting him by helping Odysseus. The Greek hero injured Poseidon’s son Polyphemus and should not have been given passage home by the Phaeacians, Podeidon believes.