"There you will find them grazing,
herds and fat flocks, the cattle of Helios,
god of the sun who sees all, hears all things.
Leave the beasts unharmed, your mind set on home,
and you all may still reach Ithaca – bent with hardship,
true – but harm them in any way, and I can see it now:
your ship destroyed, your men destroyed as well."

– Homer

The Odyssey, Book 11, lines 122-128. The prophet Tiresias warns Odysseus and his men not to kill and eat the cattle of the sun god Helios. If they leave them unharmed, they may all still reach home. But slaughter them and Tiresias prophesies that a grim fate awaits them: their ship destroyed with all of Odysseus’ men. There is much foreshadowing here.