Hector, stop!
You unforgivable, you…don’t talk to me of pacts.
There are no binding oaths between men and lions –
wolves and lambs can enjoy no meeting of the minds –
they are all bent on hating each other to the death.
So with you and me. No love between us. No truce
till one or the other falls and gluts with blood
Ares who hacks at men behind his rawhide shield.

– Homer

The Iliad, Book 22, lines 308-315. Achilles rejects Hector’s plea to agree a pact that the victor return the body of the other back to his comrades. The Greek hero says that there is no love between them, and uses an epic simile of there being no meeting of minds between wolves and lambs to illustrate his point. There will be no truce till one of them falls, glutting with blood Ares god of war, he vows. Achilles shows no compassion or forgiveness here.