All my pretty ones?
Did you say all? O hell-kite! All?
What, all my pretty chickens and their dam
At one fell swoop?

– William Shakespeare

Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 3. Macduff uses bird metaphors to convey his immense grief and loss on learning of the horrific murders of his wife and children. His words and tender imagery of a mother hen and her chickens convey his deep affection for the family he lost all at once. The passage shows the agony of an uncomprehending and manly warrior trying to make sense of such senseless slaughter at the hands of Macbeth’s thugs. He also uses the metaphor of “hell-kite” to compare Macbeth to a murderous bird of prey. This sets the stage for Macduff seeking revenge and eventually killing Macbeth. The passage is thus foreshadowing of future events.