DESDEMONA: Why, sweet Othello, –
OTHELLO: [Striking her] Devil!
DESDEMONA: I have not deserved this.

– William Shakespeare

Othello, Act 4. Scene 1. A shocking moment in this scene comes when Othello hits his new bride Desdemona in front of the other horrified soldiers, labeling her the "devil" in a metaphor. It is Othello’s first act of violence in the play. In this moment of jealous madness he loses self-control and becomes a wife-beater. Having been completely brainwashed by Iago into believing Desdemona is a cheat, Othello has reached the point of no return. While she protests her innocence, her plea for justice from her mad husband is destined to fall on deaf ears. We see Othello in a new light compared to the loving husband of earlier on, being transformed into the dominant male and an example of toxic masculinity.