Lennie’s eyes moved down over her body, and though she didn’t seem to be looking at Lennie she bridled a little. She looked at her fingers. “Sometimes Curley’s in here,” she explained. George said brusquely, “Well he ain’t now.”
“If he ain’t, I guess I better look someplace else,” she said playfully.
Lennie watched her, fascinated. George said, “If I see him, I’ll pass the word you was looking for him.”
She smiled archly and twitched her body. “Nobody can’t blame a person for lookin’,” she said. There were footsteps behind her, going by. She turned her head. “Hi, Slim,” she said.

– John Steinbeck

Of Mice and Men, Chapter 2. Curley’s wife thirsts for attention from the men because she herself is desperately lonely. She parades her power over the men because she herself feels weak.