Go to; say you nothing. There is division between the dukes, and a worse matter than that. I have received a letter this night; ’tis dangerous to be spoken; I have locked the letter in my closet. These injuries the King now bears will be revenged home; there’s part of a power already footed. We must incline to the king. I will look him, and privily relieve him. Go you and maintain talk with the Duke, that my charity be not of him perceived. If he ask for me. I am ill, and gone to bed. If I die for it, as no less is threatened me, the king my old master must be relieved.

– William Shakespeare

King Lear, Act 3, Scene 3. Gloucester, a loyal supporter of King Lear, plans to secretly help him. Aware of the strife between the Dukes of Cornwall and Albany, Gloucester has received a letter which promises revenge against those who have hurt the King. He also knows that a French force has landed in Dover to aid Lear. Unfortunately Gloucester confides all to his treacherous half-son Edmund, failing to see him for the schemer he is.