As to Helen Burns, I was struck with wonder. The refreshing meal, the brilliant fire, the presence and kindness of her beloved instructress, or perhaps more than all these, something in her own unique mind, had roused her powers within her. They woke, they kindled; first, they glowed in the bright tint of her cheek, which till this hour I had never seen but pale and bloodless; then they shone in the liquid lustre of her eyes, which had suddenly acquired a beauty more singular than that of Miss Temple’s – a beauty neither of fine colour, nor long eyelash, nor penciled brow, but of meaning, of movement, of radiance. Then her soul sat on her lips, and language flowed…Such was the characteristic of Helen’s discourse on that, to me, memorable evening; her spirit seemed hastening to live within a very brief span as much as many live during a protracted existence.

– Charlotte Bronte

Jane Eyre, Chapter 8. Helen’s inner beauty and spirituality shine forth to Jane during a wonderful night they spend together with Miss Temple at Lowood. Jane is wonder-struck by Helen and sees her as unique and angel-like. To Jane she becomes a kind of heavenly spirit with a radiance about her and a mystical power and strength, “her soul sat on her lips” as she speaks.