How people feel when they are returning home from an absence, long or short, I did not know: I had never experienced the sensation. I had known what it was to come back to Gateshead when a child, after a long walk – to be scolded for looking cold or gloomy; and later, what it was to come back from church to Lowood – to long for a plenteous meal and a good fire, and to be unable to get either. Neither of these returnings were very pleasant or desirable: no magnet drew me to a given point, increasing in its strength of attraction the nearer I came. The return to Thornfield was yet to be tried…1 felt glad as the road shortened before me: so glad that I stopped once to ask myself what that joy meant; and to remind reason that it was not to my home I was going, or to a permanent resting-place, or to a place where fond friends looked out for me and waited my arrival.

– Charlotte Bronte

Jane Eyre, Chapter 22. Jane has yearned all her life to have a place she can call home. She didn’t find this at either Gateshead or Lowood. Having left Thornfield for a brief spell to honor the wish of her dying aunt, she is now happy to be returning. Yet she reminds herself that Thornfield is not her home, or a permanent resting-place where loving friends will greet her on arrival. But she clearly would like it to be.