Valerian, corrected as God wolde,
Answerde agayn, "If I shal trusten thee,
Lat me that aungel se and hym biholde;
And if that it a verray angel bee,
Thanne wol I doon as thou hast prayed me;
And if thou love another man, for sothe
Right with this swerd thanne wol I sle yow bothe."
– Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales, The Second Nun’s Tale. Valerian is suspicious that his wife Cecilia may be deceiving him when she says that a guardian angel is watching over her. He demands that she let him see the angel. If it is a true angel then he will do as she prays him and love her chastely. But if she loves another, Valerian says he will slay them both with his sword.