I rede that oure Hoost heere shal bigynne,
For he is moost envoluped in synne.
Com forth, sire Hoost, and offre first anon,
And thou shalt kisse the relikes everychon,
Ye, for a grote! Unbokele anon thy purs.

– Geoffrey Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales, The Pardoner’s Tale. When he finishes his tale, the Pardoner uses aggressive methods to sell his pardons and fake religious relics to his fellow pilgrims. There is a lot of venom in his sales pitch, directed towards the pilgrims and particularly the Host Harry Bailly. The Pardoner targets the Host as the first to buy his spiritual favors, saying that he is the most sinful. He also uses sexually suggestive, insulting language when he invites the Host to kneel, kiss the relics and unbuckle his purse.