he that haunteth swiche delices - The Pardoner in The Canterbury Tales

But, certes, he that haunteth swiche delices
Is deed, whil that he lyveth in tho vices.
A lecherous thyng is wyn, and dronkenesse
Is ful of stryvyng and of wrecchednesse.

– Geoffrey Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales, The Pardoner’s Tale. He who lives in the vices of overindulging the body’s desires, like the glutton, is dead, says the Pardoner. Here he is echoing the Christian belief that sin leads to eternal damnation, as stated in the biblical verse Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death." The Pardoner goes on to say that wine is a lecherous thing and drunkenness is full of wretchedness. He should know, for he himself is fond of the ale and wine and a confessed womanizer.