That sith I se his grete gentillesse
To yow, and eek I se wel youre distresse,
That him were levere han shame (and that were routhe)
Than ye to me sholde breke thus youre trouthe,
I have wel levere evere to suffre wo
Than I departe the love bitwix yow two.
I yow relesse, madame, into youre hond
Quyt every serement and every bond
That ye han maad to me as heerbiforn.

– Geoffrey Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales, The Franklin’s Tale. Squire Aurelius decides to do the right and noble thing. He sees Dorigen’s great distress and her husband’s graciousness in accepting shame rather than she should break her pledged word to Aurelius. So Aurelius releases Dorigen from her promise, saying he would rather suffer woe always than break apart the love between her and Arveragus.