Fro which t’ escape woot I no socour,
Save oonly deeth or elles dishonour;
Oon of thise two bihoveth me to chese.
But nathelees, yet have I levere to lese
My lif than of my body to have a shame,
Or knowe myselven fals, or lese my name;
And with my deth I may be quyt, ywis.

– Geoffrey Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales, The Franklin’s Tale. Never make a promise that you do not intend to keep is the moral of the story for Dorigen. She made a foolish promise to Aurelius that she would love him if he moved all the rocks from the Brittany coast. Now she faces the shame of breaking her word to Aurelius or breaking her pledge of loyalty to husband Arveragus. She contemplates killing herself. Death of dishonor seem the only choices to her.