Welcome the sonde of Crist for everemoore
To me that am now lerned in his loore!
Lord, welcome be thy lust and thy plesaunce;
My lust I putte al in thyn ordinaunce.
Kepeth this child, al be it foul or feir,
And eek my wyf, unto myn hoom-comynge.
Crist, whan hym list, may sende me an heir
Moore agreable than this to my likynge.

– Geoffrey Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales, The Man of Law’s Tale. King Alla writes a letter responding to the false message forged by Donagild about his fiendisly deformed new child, saying that will accept the child. He welcomes what is sent to him from Christ and his desire is to do his will. And he instructs his Constable to guard this child "be it foul or feir" and also his wife, until his home-coming.