Thy wyf shal I wel saven, out of doute.
Go now thy wey, and speed thee heer-aboute.
But whan thou hast, for hire and thee and me,
Ygeten us thise knedyng tubbes thre,
Thanne shaltow hange hem in the roof ful hye,
That no man of oure purveiaunce espye.
And whan thou thus hast doon as I have seyd,
And hast oure vitaille faire in hem yleyd,
And eek an ax to smyte the corde atwo,
Whan that the water comth, that we may go.

– Geoffrey Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales, The Miller’s Tale. The scheming lovers Nicholas and Alison have an elaborate plan to trick gullible John. It involves hanging three tubs to be used as boats from the roof. When the great flood (a fiction concocted by Nicholas) is about to happen they are to go into the boat-tubs so they will survive the flood waters. What Nicholas won’t do to have a night of sex with Alison!