Wroght on the wal, ful pitous to biholde,
The broken slepes, and the sikes colde,
The sacred teeris, and the waymentynge,
The firy strokes, and the desirynge
That loves servantz in this lyf enduren;
The othes that hir covenantz assuren;
Pleasance and Hope, Desir, Foolhardynesse,
Beautee and Youthe, Bauderie, Richesse,
Charmes and Force, Lesynges, Flaterye,
Despense, Bisynesse, and Jalousye.

– Geoffrey Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales, The Knight’s Tale. The Knight describes the temple of Venus, Roman goddess of love, which is by the gate of the enormous stadium constructed by Theseus for the tournament between Arcite and Palamon. At the temple is shown both the pleasures and woes of love – beauty and youth, lies and flattery, broken sleep, tears and fiery desire. Palamon prays to Venus for victory in the tournament.