"O Lord, o feith, o God, withouten mo,
O Cristendom, and Fader of alle also,
Aboven alle and over alle everywhere."
Thise wordes al with gold ywriten were.
Whan this was rad, thanne seyde this olde man,
"Leevestow this thyng or no? Sey ye or nay."
"I leeve al this thyng," quod Valerian,
"For sother thyng than this, I dar wel say,
Under the hevene no wight thynke may."

– Geoffrey Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales, The Second Nun’s Tale. The old man reads from the gold-lettered book that there is one Lord, one God, one faith, one Christian Church and one Father of all. He asks Valerian if he believes this, and Valerian replies that he does, immediately recognizing the Christian truths contained in the book. Pope Urban christens right after this.