I think it’s really terrifying that a country based on the foundations and ideals of God, is now systematically removing God from everything. Everything! – Stephen Baldwin
Praise the Lord, but do me a favor, don’t ever say ‘Stephen Baldwin’ and ‘ministry’ in the same sentence. I make movies, and in Hollywood, that’s career suicide. – Stephen Baldwin
I’m not going to fight in the physical with physical weapons, because it’s not a physical fight. I’m going to fight with spiritual weapons, cause it’s a spiritual fight. – Stephen Baldwin
When you do reality, you have to be pretty careful. You have to almost monitor yourself to make sure that you don’t get yourself in situations that you shouldn’t. – Stephen Baldwin
I believe I have a calling. Do you know what that calling is? To stand up in a new and hard core, radical way for the Lord. In the process, if I insult a couple of people, if I offend a couple of people, and if I got to shake it up a little bit, as long as it is led by the Holy Spirit, amen. – Stephen Baldwin
My point is simply this: I believe I have a calling. Do you know what that calling is? To stand up in a new and hard core, radical way for the Lord. In the process, if I insult a couple of people, if I offend a couple of people, and if I got to shake it up a little bit, as long as it is led by the Holy Spirit, amen. – Stephen Baldwin
I’m very focused on the world and my career and my Porsche turbo and making money and Stevie B. Inc. I’m just living according to the standards of the world. – Stephen Baldwin
In 2002, in this country, there was an observation that for the first time in America, more kids were actively pursuing skateboarding than baseball. – Stephen Baldwin
What is happening within Christianity is that it doesn’t know it needs to promote itself. – Stephen Baldwin
According to God’s word, everybody at some point is going to be given the opportunity to know the truth. – Stephen Baldwin
When I have the Bible memorised, then I’ll be able to go and read a couple other books. – Stephen Baldwin
The truth is the real Christian experience is truly about repenting every day because there is no Christian that doesn’t sin. – Stephen Baldwin
I’ve always competed in those shows. Like, I won ‘Fear Factor’, I did ‘I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here’, I did ‘The Mole’, ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ with Donald Trump. I’ve done a lot of those shows, all in the hope of being a blessing to my mom’s organization. – Stephen Baldwin
Don’t get me wrong, there are sometimes if I go and see a really funny comedy, that I wished I had smoked a joint. I’ll be honest with you. That’s the truth. – Stephen Baldwin
I have no interest in changing Hollywood. Hollywood is a place so consumed by the spirit of the world that I don’t even want to try to think about how to infiltrate that. – Stephen Baldwin
Stephen Baldwin believes that now we’re in a particular time in the world’s history where it is time that people stand up for Jesus. That people get more aggressive and radical how they communicate with our culture about Jesus. – Stephen Baldwin
Jesus isn’t a logo, I’m not promoting some company, some brand. I’m just professing my faith. – Stephen Baldwin
Praise the Lord, but do me a favor, don’t ever say ‘Stephen Baldwin’ and ‘ministry’ in the same sentence. – Stephen Baldwin
I’m just the messenger here. I’m just another representative of my faith, so to speak. – Stephen Baldwin
For me, I’ve never been too concerned of what people think of me, so now as the youngest Baldwin brother in Hollywood making movies while simultaneously being a charismatic evangelical born again Christian who’s an evangelist – that’s a pretty crazy combination. – Stephen Baldwin
Life is such a precious gift. Whatever life throws at us, if we could just learn to get through that day and hang on to the next, you never know what may come. It may get worse, but you never know. – Stephen Baldwin
I just think that probably when somebody calls themselves ‘born again’ and kind of goes out there in a pretty radically zealous way, professes their glee about that, it can creep people out. – Stephen Baldwin
Getting movies made is not as difficult as people think. Making movies is easy. You get a script, you get a director, you raise the money, you make the movie. – Stephen Baldwin
I believe that the family unit has fundamentally been the most positive thing for society, and I don’t believe that any minority has the right to create changes that impact on the majority. – Stephen Baldwin