If there be devils, would I were a devil, To live and burn in everlasting fire, So I might have your company in hell, But to torment you with my bitter tongue! – William Shakespeare Titus Andronicus, Act 5, Scene 1.
The plague of Greece upon thee, thou mongrel beef-witted lord! – William Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida, Act 2, Scene 1.
That kiss is comfortless As frozen water to a starved snake. – William Shakespeare Titus Andronicus, Act 3, Scene 1.
Be a whore still. They love thee not that use thee. Give them diseases, leaving with thee their lust. – William Shakespeare Timon of Athens, Act 4, Scene 3.
I would thou didst itch from head to foot: and I had the scratching of thee, I would make thee the loathsomest scab in Greece. – William Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida, Act 2, Scene 1.
When there is nothing living but thee, thou shalt be welcome. – William Shakespeare Timon of Athens, Act 4, Scene 3.
I shall cut out your tongue. ‘Tis no matter, I shall speak as much wit as thou afterwards. – William Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida, Act 2, Scene 1.
You ruinous butt, you whoreson indistinguishable cur! – William Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida, Act 5, Scene 1.
Wears his wit in his belly and his guts in his head. – William Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida, Act 2, Scene 1.
With too much blood and too little brain these two may run mad. – William Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida, Act 5, Scene 1.
Any man may sing her, if he can take her clef: she’s noted. – William Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida, Act 5, Scene 1.
The kiss you take is better than you give: Therefore, no kiss. – William Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida, Act 4, Scene 5.
I do hate a proud man as I do hate the engendering of toads. – William Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida, Act 2, Scene 3.