Everything that looks to the future elevates human nature; for life is never so low or so little as when occupied with the present. – Letitia Elizabeth Landon
There is a large stock on hand; but somehow or other, nobody’s experience ever suits us but our own. – Letitia Elizabeth Landon
We might have been – these are but common words, and yet they make the sum of life’s bewailing. – Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Whatever people in general do not understand, they are always prepared to dislike; the incomprehensible is always the obnoxious. – Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Society is like a large piece of frozen water; and skating well is the great art of social life. – Letitia Elizabeth Landon
An apt quotation is like a lamp which flings its light over the whole sentence. – Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Enthusiasm is the divine particle in our composition: with it we are great, generous, and true; without it, we are little, false, and mean. – Letitia Elizabeth Landon
I think hearts are very much like glasses. If they do not break with the first ring, they usually last a considerable time. – Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Ah, tell me not that memory sheds gladness o’er the past, what is recalled by faded flowers, save that they did not last? – Letitia Elizabeth Landon