Compassion: that’s the one thing no machine ever had. Maybe it’s the one thing that keeps men ahead of them. – Dr. Leonard McCoy Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘The Ultimate Computer’.
There’s no intelligent life here. – Dr. Leonard McCoy Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘The Savage Curtain’.
Monsters come in many forms. You know the greatest monster of them all? Guilt. – Dr. Leonard McCoy Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘Obsession’.
Well there goes paradise. – Dr. Leonard McCoy On finding that holding and touching is forbidden on Eden-like paradise planet of Gamma Trianguli VI. Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘The Apple’.
Dr. Leonard McCoy: Mister Spock, you’re the most cold-blooded man I’ve ever known. Mr. Spock: Why, thank you, doctor. Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘Court Martial’.
I am a doctor, not a brick layer. – Dr. Leonard McCoy Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘The Devil in the Dark’.
We all have our darker side. We need it; it’s half of what we are. It’s not really ugly, it’s human. – Dr. Leonard McCoy Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘The Enemy Within’.
The chain of command is often a noose. – Dr. Leonard McCoy Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘The Conscience of the King’.
Barrows: Don’t peek! Dr. Leonard McCoy: My dear girl, I am a doctor. When I peek, it’s in the line of duty. Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘Shore Leave.’.
That man can think anything we can, and love, hope, dream as much as we can. But he can’t reach out and no one can reach in! – Dr. Leonard McCoy Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘The Menagerie, Part 1’.
Treat her like a lady, and she’ll always bring you home. – Dr. Leonard McCoy To Data, on the Enterprise-D. Star Trek: The Next Generation, ‘Encounter at Farpoint’.
I’m not a magician, Spock, just an old country doctor. – Dr. Leonard McCoy Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘The Deadly Years’.
Admiral James T. Kirk: My God, Bones, what have I done? Dr. Leonard McCoy: What you had to do. What you always do…turned death into a fighting chance to live. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984 Film).
I’m trying to thank you, you pointed-eared hobgoblin! – Dr. Leonard McCoy To Spock. Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘Bread and Circuses’.
You don’t ask the Almighty for his ID! – Dr. Leonard McCoy Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989 Film).
The bureaucratic mentality is the only constant in the universe. – Dr. Leonard McCoy Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986 Film).
Capt. Kirk: Bones, you ever hear of a doomsday machine? Dr. Leonard McCoy: No, I’m a doctor, not a mechanic. Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘The Doomsday Machine’.
Did you see the love light in Spock’s eyes? The right computer finally came along! – Dr. Leonard McCoy To Kirk. Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘The Ultimate Computer’.
I’m gonna tell you something I never thought I’d ever hear myself say. But it seems that I’ve missed you. I don’t think I could stand to lose you again. – Dr. Leonard McCoy To the unconscious Spock in sickbay. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984 Film).
Look, I’m a doctor, not an escalator! – Dr. Leonard McCoy To Spock. Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘Friday’s Child’.
A man who holds that much power, even with the best intentions, just can’t resist the urge to play god. – Dr. Leonard McCoy Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘Patterns of Force’.
Do you know why you’re not afraid to die, Spock? You’re more afraid of living. Each day you stay alive is just one more day you might slip and let your human half peek out. – Dr. Leonard McCoy Star Trek: The Original Series, ‘Bread and Circuses’.