I was an attorney general. That was – that matters to me, and if you won’t obey your own rules, there’s no reason to think you’ll obey any others. – Ken Cuccinelli
Ethics reform is about restoring the public trust. When that is in doubt, nothing is more important than restoring it. – Ken Cuccinelli
We can agree that keeping serious criminals in prison is an effective means of preserving public safety, but we must also recognize that the axiom of ‘putting people in jail and throwing away the key’ does not apply to all offenders universally and can actually be counterproductive. – Ken Cuccinelli
Unlike in Washington, Virginia’s leaders don’t run from serious problems. We tackle them. – Ken Cuccinelli
I do think a focus on fiscal restraint is a central element of the Tea Party, and thank goodness for it! – Ken Cuccinelli
What to do about these increases in crime? Plenty of laws already exist to punish violent criminals, and research questions the level of correlation between longer sentences and lower crime rates. – Ken Cuccinelli
The one thing that even my staunchest opponents will admit is I’m a straight shooter and that I’m a man of my word. – Ken Cuccinelli
If you give me enough questions honestly answered, I can get you to the hollow core of any liberal position. – Ken Cuccinelli
When you file an amicus brief, and you represent a state, the court reads your brief. It is a powerful position to make the legal assault from. – Ken Cuccinelli
When you run on something definitive and then win by a significant margin, you have a mandate. – Ken Cuccinelli
One of the beauties of the Tea Party movement – and the many, many like-minded citizens that don’t participate in the Tea Party movement – is the fact that it is independent. – Ken Cuccinelli
There’s nothing conservative about allowing ourselves to become so inured to a ‘tough on crime’ frame of mind that we would abandon tested alternatives that can yield better outcomes. – Ken Cuccinelli