That’s the thing about suicide. Try as you might to remember how a person lived his life, you always end up thinking about how he ended it. – Anderson Cooper
If someone knows me and likes me or my work, they’re more likely to allow me to tell their story. But it also cuts the other way. – Anderson Cooper
I realized I didn’t want there to be anything left unsaid with my mom. I didn’t want there to be questions that I still had about who she was and what her life was like. And I didn’t want her to have questions about me as an adult. – Anderson Cooper
The world reacts very strangely to people they see on TV, and I can begin to understand how anchor monsters are made. If you’re not careful, you can become used to being treated as though you’re special and begin to expect it. For a reporter, that’s the kiss of death. – Anderson Cooper
Obviously I was well aware that I had what people consider a privileged upbringing. My mom was never a bake-cookies sort of mom. I really had no reins whatsoever. – Anderson Cooper
I am sort of drawn toward places in the world where there is struggle and conflict. – Anderson Cooper
I tend to relate more to people on television who are just themselves, for good or for bad, than I do to someone who I believe is putting on some sort of persona. The anchorman on ‘The Simpsons’ is a reasonable facsimile of some anchors who have that problem. – Anderson Cooper
I suppose if you’ve never bitten your nails, there isn’t any way to explain the habit. It’s not enjoyable, really, but there is a certain satisfaction – pride in a job well done. – Anderson Cooper
When you lose a parent at ten years old, the world seems like a much scarier place. It makes complete sense to me that I took survival courses when I was a teenager and started going to war zones as a reporter. I didn’t ever want to be taken advantage of, and I wanted to be able to take care of those around me. – Anderson Cooper
My dad grew up really poor in Mississippi. I paid attention to that because I thought that’s a healthier thing to pay attention to than, like, some statue of a great-great-great grandfather who has no connection to my life. – Anderson Cooper
When my mom turned 91, I wanted to use the time that we have left in our lives to get to know each other as adults. – Anderson Cooper
I don’t have much experience, but the few times when I would go on a date with a girl – like when I was 12 – there was a lot of sharing, and a lot of talking, and a lot of asking how I am. They thought we were dating, and I was sort of hoping to meet their brothers. – Anderson Cooper
Anyone who has experienced a certain amount of loss in their life has empathy for those who have experienced loss. – Anderson Cooper
The fact is, I’m gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud. – Anderson Cooper
A lot of people know the name Gloria Vanderbilt, but they don’t really know the whole story behind her, the real person that she is. – Anderson Cooper
I’ve always giggled like a 13-year-old girl at a Justin Bieber meet and greet. There’s nothing I can do about it but I’ve never not been able to stop. – Anderson Cooper
In my real life, I wear a T-shirt, gray or white, and the same pair of jeans. Literally, the same pair of jeans every day. – Anderson Cooper
When I was younger, I talked to the adults around me that I respected most about how they got where they were, and none of them plotted a course they could have predicted, so it seemed a waste of time to plan too long-term. Since then, I’ve always gone on my instincts. – Anderson Cooper
I’m concerned about heart disease. I’ve raised money to fight heart disease; my dad died of it. – Anderson Cooper
Anyone who says they’re not afraid at the time of a hurricane is either a fool or a liar, or a little bit of both. – Anderson Cooper
Our skin is very thin. It doesn’t take much for us to jump off a ledge or to kill one another. It can happen very, very quickly. – Anderson Cooper
I have a friend – I send her one text and I get 20 texts back. Guys don’t want a million texts. It’s exhausting. – Anderson Cooper