What makes me feel good is all of the people that rooted for A.I. get a chance to say, ‘He did what you never thought he could do. The critics. He did what you never thought he could accomplish.’ This is a moment that me and my fans and my family and friends can share together because we always believed in the dream. – Allen Iverson
Obviously, if I could go back and change anything, I would be a perfect man. And I know there’s no perfect man. – Allen Iverson
I was recruited by every school in the country for football and basketball. And an incident happened in high school, and all that was taken away. No other teams, no other schools were recruiting me anymore. – Allen Iverson
I have no regrets on anything. People ask me all the time, ‘Do I have any regrets?’ I don’t have any. If I could back and do it all over, would I change anything? No. – Allen Iverson
You hit road blocks in life, but I’m living proof that you can overcome those road blocks and become what you want to become. – Allen Iverson
I couldn’t have accomplished the things in my career if I didn’t practice, and the worst part about that whole thing is when a kid comes up to me and says ‘Allen, I don’t like practice, either.’ I’ve got to straighten that kid right then. – Allen Iverson
Man, people have been waiting for me to fall off my whole career. From the first time I stepped on the court. It probably made people sick to their stomachs watching my whole career, watching the things that I’ve done in my career. – Allen Iverson
As far as how I expressed ‘practice, practice, practice’ over and over again, I wouldn’t take that back because, obviously, that sound bite is great for the media and for the fans, because they love it. – Allen Iverson
I didn’t take constructive criticism the way I should have. When I finally caught up to that, that’s when I went to being the MVP. – Allen Iverson
Tattoos, cornrows, headbands, hip-hop. I never meant to start any trends. I got my butt kicked, but if that meant that the guys who came after me could be themselves, then it was worth it. – Allen Iverson
Everybody talks about that one when they first meet me. ‘Man, I still remember the play you shook Jordan.’ Everybody gonna always remember it because it was Jordan. – Allen Iverson
God gave me all this; why waste the talent that he gave me? Why not go full throttle with it all and try to become in the class with the greatest players that ever played the game? That’s just a great feeling. – Allen Iverson
I don’t really care too much about what people who don’t care about me say about me, but a lot of times, you know, I get tired of defending myself. – Allen Iverson
I gave everything I had to basketball. The passion is still there, but the desire to play is not. It was a great ride. – Allen Iverson
I didn’t do this by myself, man. It was so many people, so many fans that came in there and cheered for me, night in and night out. – Allen Iverson
I just want kids all over the world to know you have to practice to be any good in this game; it’s too hard. – Allen Iverson
I’ve accomplished so many things in basketball. I financially secured my kids’ life and their future. I’m just happy. I’m just blessed. So anything that I’m not awarded doesn’t matter because I’ve been rewarded enough in this lifetime. – Allen Iverson
If I could take back all the mistakes that I made throughout my career, I would have had a perfect career. I would have missed no shots. I would have made no turnovers. I would have went right instead of going left when I was supposed to, every game. – Allen Iverson
I don’t care. I feel like if we don’t make a trade, we have to get it done with what we’ve got. – Allen Iverson
I don’t have any problems with what these guys wear because they got their own style and their own originality. That’s the way it’s supposed to be, man. – Allen Iverson