THESEUS: The wall, methinks, being sensible, should curse again.
BOTTOM: No, in truth, sir, he should not. "Deceiving me" is Thisbe’s cue. She is to enter now, and I am to spy her through the wall. You shall see it will fall pat as I told you. Yonder she comes.

– William Shakespeare

A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act 5, Scene 1. This is another wonderful example of how dreadful the acting of the Mechanicals is and farcical their performance of Pyramus and Thisbe. Right in the middle of the play actors break character to address the spectators. Theseus ironically comments that maybe the wall should curse back, and Bottom comes straight out of character to tell him no, it shouldn’t. Bottom takes his acting so seriously and believes he is so good, that he needs to explain the workings of the play to Theseus. He doesn’t get it that Theseus is simply poking fun at the play and players.