Now, Hera, don’t fly into such a rage at fellow gods.
These two can never attain the same degree of honor.
Still, the immortals loved Prince Hector dearly,
best of all the mortals born in Troy…
so I loved him, at least:
he never stinted with gifts to please my heart.
Never once did my altar lack its share of victims,
winecups tipped and the deep smoky savor. These,
these are the gifts we claim – they are our rights.

– Homer

The Iliad, Book 24, lines 79-87. When Hera rages to Apollo that Hector is less deserving than Achilles because he does not have a divine parent, Zeus responds. He agrees that Hector will never have the degree of honor as Achilles. But he says that the gods loved Hector dearly and he was generous with his gifts and sacrifices at the altar of Zeus. The gods are discussing Hector’s right to a burial.